Meet Philip Axelsson - Business Developer at Improvin'
Philip, an experienced entrepreneur, loves shredding mountain biking trails and is known for saying "Yes!" to all new adventures. Get to know him! 🌱

Philip, what's exiting in your new role?
So far, the highlight at Improvin' has definitely been meeting and hearing from our customers pioneering the agri-food space. What we’re building feels thrilling, and my role has felt like a natural fit from day one.
For the past 6 years, I have been running a restaurant and food delivery business with my brother. We come from a family of entrepreneurs, so building our own thing came naturally to us.
We focused on producing sustainable and tasty meals for consumers and corporate customers. The value chain was fully traceable and we had close relationships with our farmers and suppliers.
Unfortunately, a series of events eventually forced us to close the business.
One learning that really stuck with me is that creating a meaningful impact requires the value proposition to be truly scalable - which is what brought me to Improvin’.

What made you choose Improvin’?
I knew I wanted to stay in the food space and work with environmental impact. I also thrive in teams where I know my contribution makes a difference.
I met many from the team in the interview process and saw how they all have a lot of autonomy and how the management is based on trust.
It didn’t take long until I knew this would be my thing.
First impressions of the team? 🌱
Everyone’s been incredibly helpful. There’s a low barrier to asking for help and receiving it, which I value highly. And while it may sound like a cliché, everyone on the team is genuinely nice.
Our team has 8 nationalities which makes our culture very honest and straightforward. People go the extra mile to listen, take in, and pause to reflect so that we can avoid hasty conclusions.
What’s the out-of-office Philip interested in?
I’ve played ice hockey most of my life, so training has become a big part of who I am. The sports I do today vary from tennis or gym time to skiing.
I’ve grown to enjoy mountain biking a lot. It gives me the whole package: nature, exercise, freedom - and of course, the massive adrenaline rush. 🚵
Among my friends, I’m known for saying “Yes” whenever anyone asks me to join for anything. I love spontaneous, low-key hangouts and dinners with friends.

3 things that you’re looking forward to?
🇸🇪 I’m fairly new to Stockholm, so there’s a lot in this city that I look forward to exploring.
💡 I’m excited about navigating my role at Improvin’ and getting exposed to all our projects. It’s already been an immense learning experience, and so much more is yet to come.
🇮🇹 We’re renting a house in Italy with the family this summer. It’s been a dream for the longest time, and now, it’s finally happening.